Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bring It On

I'm ready for a new decade, though this past one did have some wonderful life-enriching moments: my retirement from teaching, the births of 3 grandchildren, good health, and the election of 2008. So, on this last day of 2009, I am pondering the approach of the new year. There will be no resolutions for me; I gave that up years ago, as my annual avowals were always the same and never kept for very long. You know...lose weight, exercise. Yawn. What I will do is continue to reach for little ways of bettering myself and refining my thinking. Always a work in progress. Yep.


  1. A good work in progress if I might say so. The very best to you, Jan!

  2. I like your approach to resolutions, ha! Happy New Year to you Jan.

  3. Hi Janice, return good wishes and I've just realised that you have a weight loss blog! Big resolution of mine for 2010! Have a good new year. I know wishing all this happiness is just impossible but I hope we can all make the best of what is dealt to us. Cheers :)

  4. I need to better myself, also! You have some great followers, most of them are good friends of mine!

  5. we are always a work in prgress...if we ever think we have got there, we have so much further to go. happy new year!


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