Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bad Apple

Theme Thursday - Snow

When I embark on a brand-new dating situation, I am a sucker for a snow job. The lastest budding relationship began with so much snow, it was practically a blizzard, and I was foolishly charmed by this delightful deluge: the thoughtful gifts, the jolly disposition, the wining and dining, all of it. However, the snow eventually melted, as snow does, and reality reared its ugly head. This bewitching suitor showed his true colors. The gifts dwindled, the temper erupted, and the wining and dining turned into dinner at my place, cooked by me. It's over. Since I'm no spring chicken, I should have known better. Lesson learned. Watch out for blizzards. They can be dangerous.


  1. Very interesting and unique take on the theme! :)
    Happy TT!

  2. Sometimes it is easier to see what we want, even if experience tells us to look deeper.

  3. nice. most unique take on the theme today...nicely done, and so true...wings nailed it!

  4. So true, so true. Well, it seems that with your hard earned wisdom, you didn't waste too much of your great energy on the Snowman. Wonderful theme post!

  5. Great hit on the SNOW scene, I mean theme. -J

  6. Interesting analogy. Mine were more like a hurricane, tho'. 'Nuff said on that! Happy TT :)

  7. Clever take here, though I'm sorry you were snowed!

  8. Very interesting approach to "snow". And also very true. Good for you for seeing the light on the other side of that snow-storm. :)


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