Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Joie de Vivre

The weather was so glorious last weekend in Bodega Bay, CA; and the fish and chips were to-die-for, puffed up and crunchy - just the way I like them. A little fresh lemon juice. A little tartar sauce. And those golden morsels were history.

Of course, the rains return this week, and that's just fine as we need more of it. However, I'm grateful I was able to have a lovely afternoon with friends, enjoying the warmth of the sun and lots of good food. Spring is definitely in the air.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Here, Kitty-Kitty...

As a person who has consistently played the lottery and lost, I am so pleased to have emerged, at long last, as a winner...and of something soooo fine. I have Lauren at Pugs and Rugs, a hooker in the best sense, to thank for my success. I am now the owner of this delightful mat, now called Kitty-Kitty.

Before KK's arrival, I began to mentally debate the perfect place for her to reside, and when she presented herself in my mailbox, I immediately scurried inside the house and went hands-on to see where she would look her best.

This location didn't really work for me.

Nor did my second placement. Though I loved how the colors in my fabulous mat chimed in nicely with the wallpaper, I didn't like that KK was relegated to the back bedroom and would not be sufficiently admired.

As is often said, the third time is the charm; and this proved to be the case for my sweet little KK. Yes, front and center in the family room, where she can see and be seen.

Thank you, Lauren!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Forcing Spring

I love all 4 seasons; but, since I love to work in the garden and don't much care for the cold,  winter is my least favorite season. Therefore, I enjoy tricking Mother Nature into bringing a little spring inside the house in order to combat the outside dreariness, and bulbs are perfect for chasing away the winter doldrums. I picked hyacinths this year and placed them in colorful forcing vases on the window's ledge to catch the sunlight. Since hyacinths are slow to develop, it does take a little patience; but it is so worth the wait.

And there is a delightful bonus to this beauty: aroma, a soft, sweet smell that promises that spring is on its way. Soon.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Once in a Basketball Blue Moon

It doesn't happen very often; but when it does, it is a cause for joyous celebration. Yes, my Cal Bears are at the top of the Pac 12 standings with a conference record of 10-3. Of course, there are still a few games to play before they successfully grab the title, so I am celebrating now just in case disaster strikes, as it has often done in the past. I am hoping and thinking good thoughts that the Bears will prevail.

I've always said that it's not easy being a Bears fan; the losses and disappointments have been many over the years. Once again, however, I am hanging in there, hopes raised to the max.

Go Bears!