Thursday, October 26, 2017

Wine Country Fire

Press Democrat Photo

Judging by the newspaper photos, my beautiful city of Santa Rosa looks like a war zone in some places. It is very hard for me to see.

I have not seen much of the damage in person...only that little bit as I went to Kaiser Hospital, evacuated during the fire, for my flu shot.

Press Democrat Photo

It will be a while before I am able take in the full extent of the fire's vicious path, if I ever do. I'm not sure I want to see.

I grieve for the devastating losses that so many people have suffered. And I grieve for the trauma and deaths of wildlife and pets. Yet, I am lucky. The fire came very close to my home, but it survived. And I survived. However, that 2 a.m. robo call telling me to GET OUT will be forever embedded in my brain. 

I am not the same.

Will Santa Rosa ever be the same?

I expect so, but it is going to take some time.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Over the Moon

This photograph, courtesy of NASA, is my favorite of this week's solar eclipse. I was hopeful that I would be able to view it first hand here in CA, but clouds prevailed and the sun did not show its face the entire day. So, like many people too lazy to get in the car and travel, I turned on the TV. Well, it was awesome!

I particularly loved watching the crowds of people across the nation, everyone as awestruck as I was. I thought to wonderful it is that we can share an experience that allows us to forget all about Charlottesville and the negativity that is going on in our county and enjoy the wonder of our world, reminded that we are but a small piece of it.

A beautiful moment...

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Good Day Sunshine!

Perfect weather! So, off we went adventuring to Spring Lake Lagoon, where the water park was in full swing.

Jane and Alex donned the required life jackets and had a grand time merrily playing on the equipment in the park, while John and I lounged in the beach area, enjoying the sun and taking photos.

And there was time for some inside fun too!

Chris has turned into a performer when posing for pictures.

Yes, a good day of family fun.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

AS I SEE IT: Pet Peeve #2

"Activist" Obama Tells Americans "You Get The Politicians You Deserve”

Right! And I am pissed. I do understand that it is hard for some people to get to the polls. I wish we had a holiday or weekend voting, so that it was easier to cast a vote. These are not the people I am thinking about as I write these words. I am referring to the people who just could not be bothered to go to the polls; they didn’t think it would matter. “There’s no difference between Trump and Clinton,” they said. People wrote in Mickey Mouse for President. I have one friend who actually wrote in her own name because she could not make up her mind between Clinton and Trump. Now these people are complaining, upset, and distraught.  Boo fucking hoo! They are getting what they deserve. Unfortunately I am stuck in this mess with these losers. Yes. I am pissed! What did they think was going to happen? Or did they just not think?

Saturday, May 13, 2017

So Fine

The Legion of Honor is a part of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, and some friends and I made a day of it to check out the Monet exhibit.  We lucked out and found a parking place very close by, so the showers that Mother Nature chose to provide did not dampen our spirits. The first order of business, however, was lunch in the convenient on site cafeteria. The quiche was as good as it looked!

Our tickets were for noon, so we finished our lunch and headed for the exhibit, which was very crowded but nicely organized so that we were able to get a good view of every painting.

Many of the pieces were unfamiliar to me, as this collection was comprised of his earlier work. No lilies!

 Luckily, we had a little time left before we needed to leave, so we headed upstairs to see what was there. Apart from Monet's art, this piece was my favorite of the day. Amazing!

We battled the commute traffic going home, but it was all worth it. Every time I travel to San Francisco, I think to myself that I should make the effort more often. A fun day! 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

AS I SEE IT: Pet Peeve #1

The phrase "with all due respect", usually said in a syrupy & condescending tone of voice, has been bothering me for a LONG time. Most often used by politicians, it provides a sugar-coating for a snarky remark. I think it is wishy-washy and phony. Just say what you've got to say! Period.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

But Not This Year

My favorite time of year is again upon us. 
A time of renewal and new beginnings,
But not this year. 

All is different
Because hope is now riding in the back seat.
The new driver is Fear
Assisted by Lies, Corruption, and Arrogance.

It is dark, indeed, even as the dawn comes.
The once bright world has taken on a different hue
Since Evil and his cronies
Started lurking the West Wing of the White House, saying "You're fired!" 
To Truth and Compassion.

Will Spring return in all its glory
Once this growing black cloud, filled with Hate and Greed,
Is conquered by Truth, Liberty, and Justice?

A crisis, terrifying to watch, is approaching.
I can feel it, and it frightens me...
So, this different, unfamiliar spring, the likes of which I have never known,
Is making its move into reality.

A time of renewal and new beginnings,
But not this year.

Monday, January 30, 2017

We Shall Overcome!

Here we are in downtown Santa Rosa, all 5000 of us!

Rain decided to come to the party, but our spirits could not be dampened.

Downtown Santa Rosa

What a great day. I'll never forget it!
We shall overcome.

Brunch at Tiffany's

Elegant! It's a birthday brunch for Bev, and Tiffany might as well have catered this affair. 

Even the birthday cake screamed Tiffany.

So, of course, we all got into the act.