One of the things I love most about spring is all feathered visitors, seeking nesting sites, that come to inspect my yard. I have many wonderful birdhouses scattered around my property, and every year I wonder which houses will be selected. Both the school house and the faucet house in the picture above have been very popular in past years. This year, however, not so much. A chickadee duo did begin to nest in the schoolhouse but changed their minds, leaving abandoned twigs sticking out of the round opening. Darn. Was it something I said?

The most popular house, hands down, is this little red job in the front yard. So much about its placement is wrong: It's on a foot path that gets a fair amount of human traffic, and it's near a birdbath and feeder, so there are lots of other birds and squirrels around. Yet every year a Mr. and Mrs. Titmouse move in to start their family. I love that my kitchen window looks out on this nesting site, allowing me to watch the comings and goings. Every year I am delighted and amazed when this house, so cute with its antique doorknob, is chosen.
So, spring is finally here, full of renewal and new beginnings. Bravo.
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