Thursday, March 31, 2011

No Room at the Inn

Mr. and Mrs. Titmouse have been oh, so busy  the past few weeks weathering the wind and the rain in preparation for the arrival of their new family. Watching this nest building marathon from my kitchen window has been more entertaining than Dancing With the Stars and American Idol all rolled into one.
Since I have not seen too much activity lately, I suspect the nest-sitting is now taking place. I await signs of hatching.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mirror, Mirror

  I've lost...well, my youth. Not that I am just noticing; this has been going on for quite a while. However, I am often surprised when I look in the mirror and see this person that I have become. The hair is gray. Wrinkles have deepened and multiplied. Glasses are essential. On and on. There is an unconscious part of me that still expects to see my thirtyish self in that truth-telling reflection, but the fact is that I am changing day by day into this new me. It's not bad; it just gives me a weird feeling in my gut that can almost take my breath away.

That's the outside...what everyone else can see and that I notice in others of my age group, but there is no mirror to my inside. Changes are ripening there as well. I've moved to a new-found appreciation of life and developed a mellowness that is expanding internally as the gray hairs multiply on my head. There is a richness and contentment to my life now that I was too busy to develop when I was fretting about my responsibilities and hectic schedule.

Now. It's a good place. But I don't look in the mirror as much as I once did.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Major Yum

A big thank you to Tess at Willow Manor for this absolutely marvelous recipe. Not only is it quick and easy, it is extremely tasty as well.

Cut two sheets of thawed frozen puff pastry (1-17 oz. pkg) to form 4 rectangles. Top half of each with 1  1/2 cup chicken, 1/2 cup frozen peas, and 1  1/2 cup gruyere. Seal the pastries and brush the tops with a beaten egg.  Bake at 400 degrees until golden, about 20 minutes. Serve with Dijon mustard.

Serves 4...or 2, if you have my appetite.

I love that it looks so complicated; the secret to that, of course, is the prepared puff pastry. I ate all four all by my lonesome*, but next time I will prepare these little cuties for guests.

*two sittings. I wasn't a total pig.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Speaking Volumes

Theme Thursdays - Books

My late night companions
Propelling me on many a journey
Into worlds so far away
With adventures
Beyond my mundane realm.

These dear and dependable friends
Experts at the art of escape
Work their magic
To enrich the daily patterns
Of a comfortable and tidy life.

janice 2011
written for Theme Thursday

Check out Theme Thursday here.