Thursday, August 30, 2012

Shaping Up is Hard To Do: Final Edition

I quit! For now, that is.  The remodeling projects that I had on my To Do List are completed, and order has been restored once again, leaving chaos behind. It has been a long process...6 months, if you consider that I began with the new wood floor installation in spring.

This final project involved the foyer, hall, and guest bedroom.  The most difficult part of the stage was the bedroom because moving heavy pieces of furniture was a big part of the job. Thankfully, that job was efficiently handled by the painting crew, while I had only to concern myself with the smaller furniture items and the multitude of collectibles of all shapes and sizes, not exactly an easy task.

The primer went on first, paving the way for the soothing pale green paint that I selected for the walls. The end result did not disappoint, though I was a little sad saying farewell to the cheery wallpaper that had decorated the room for so many years.

My favorite part of the whole project came at the very end: the installation of a new light and ceiling fan, looking blissfully happy hanging from the now popcorn-free ceiling.  I am  very glad to finally have smooth ceilings, so fresh and clean looking after thirty years. 

What took me so long?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Shaping Up is Hard To Do, Part 3

Once again, my home will be torn apart as the popcorn removal/painting continues. This time it is the guest bedroom that will be attacked, turning this ugly duckling into a swan. In preparation, I have removed all the bedroom's pictures, nicknacks, small pieces of furniture and lamps from the equation so that the popcorn demolition derby can begin next week. I had planned to keep the wallpaper, old and worn though it is, but changed my mind in order to give the room a totally new look: celery green walls. I think I will love the simplicity of a calming solid color. The wallpaper fetish I once had seems to have vanished. The icing on the cake will be the installation of a beautiful new ceiling fan, white with light oak blades.

Since the foyer and hall will also be de-popcorned and painted next week, I have some picture removal left to do; but that comparatively easy job, which will happen over the weekend, involves no furniture and curio removal. Yay for that.

Progress. It's happening.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Oh, the excitement of the first day of school! Peeking through the shutters, Alex is eagerly waiting for the little yellow bus that will transport him to his ASD class and his first day of second grade. I remember the first year he boarded that bus, only 3 years old and so small his little legs could barely reach that first step. He had to sort of crawl up the steps and into the bus.

And he goes for another year of learning and growth. He is so in my heart today.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

An Alfresco Lunch

One of my favorite summer activities is eating outdoors and enjoying the marvelous summer weather. This was the scene a few days ago: iced tea, good food, entertaining guests...and no wasps. It couldn't have been better.