The Luther Burbank Holiday Open House turned out to be both festive and well attended, a grand occasion for the community. Volunteers tastefully decorated the Burbank home in red and green, both inside and out, bringing holiday excitement to every nook and cranny.
Beauty was everywhere. Tour guides, dressed in vintage costumes and holiday attire, gave tours of the Burbank home to eager visitors. Even Burbank's well-used safe, once the holder of cash and seeds, took on a jolly aura.
The greenhouse, where I was a very busy cookie server, was filled with glorious poinsettia red, a vision to behold, though I think most people had their eyes on the cookies. I could hardly keep the trays filled.
I am now officially in a Christmas mood and able to put community celebrations on a back burner in order to concentrate on my own holiday . I have done all of the decorating and most of the shopping...whew...but the gift wrapping, the baking (what little I do), and the holiday cards are still not on my agenda. Maybe today?Patience. Perseverance. It'll happen.