Monday, January 31, 2011

Munch Monday

As I watched the lunch time arrival of the brightly colored food trucks, I eagerly visited each one, inspecting the menu, to see what delicious dish caught my eye and appealed to my palate. The pesto pasta, the Greek salad, and the New York hot dog all called to me; but it was the pulled pork soft taco that made me grab for my wallet.

Waiting in line with the multitude of hungry patrons required patience, not my strong suit when my stomach is feeling empty and my mouth is watering.
So worth the wait! I was not disappointed when I took my first bite. The combination of rice, beans, peppers, pork, fresh squeezed lime and a very tasty cheese-based sauce really hit the spot.

This was my first visit to Munch Monday, a regular event in downtown Santa Rosa, and it will not be my last. I'm thinking pesto pasta for my next food truck experience. Maybe next Monday?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Sunny Sonoma Sunday

With the disappearance of the rain and the subsequent return of the delicious warmth of the 60s, we hit the road for a jaunt through the picturesque Sonoma Valley and the dream of a yummy al fresco lunch in Sonoma.

Our first stop, one of our favorites, was The Girl and the Fig. In spite of its very odd name, it is a wonderful French restaurant right on the town square and even has its own delightful cookbook on the market.

The menu, as appealing as always, looked fabulous so in we trotted only to be told there was a two hour wait. Ouch.

Our next stop was the Swiss Hotel and our mission was accomplished: outside dining on the back patio.

Baby Spinach Salad
And look what appeared in front of me!

What a great way to spend a sunny Sunday: good friends and good food.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Changing My Tune

I have always maintained that my life is an on-going process; I am continually seeking new paths because I don't see myself as ever being finished to perfection...or even close. I am like an old house: As one problem is repaired, another demands attention. You know how it goes...painting the kitchen makes the cabinets look worn and weary. It's always something.

I've made my "evolutions" (not resolutions) for 2011, but a simple quote I came upon quite by accident a few days ago has made me realize that I need to do more than just work on my insides and the words that come out of my mouth.

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

Action. That's what is missing. I am going to concentrate on two areas, for a start.
1.  It's time I put my money where my mouth is. I am going to be politically active and donate to/actively support causes in which I believe. Enough of the just complaining.

2. I am going to give back to my community and volunteer. In fact, I have already taken the first steps. What took me so long?

More baby steps...

Written for Magpie Tales

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Adios Christmas, Hello Gym!

The lights are down and the ornaments safely stored in the back room commonly known as the junk room, the place where seasonal and occasionally used possessions reside in disarray waiting to once again be noticed. I spent most of the morning returning the holiday house into its old, unfestive self. As much as I love all the cheery trappings of this time of year, I welcome the return to normalcy, as boring as it can often be.

Leaving the Christmas and New Year jolliness behind, I now must also deal with the aftermath of all the goodies I so gleefully stuffed into my eager mouth as I celebrated to beat the band. Peanut brittle, fudge, eggnog, a cookie potpourri of all shapes and sizes, apple crisp with vanilla ice cream atop. Yes, they all passed through my enthusiastic lips. We're talking 5 pounds, the same 5 pounds I put on every December and take off every January. Here we go again, but it is OK because I knew what I was doing and it was worth it.  Besides, hard work though it is, I know how to make it all disappear.

So. The merry red and green of the once illuminated candles are banished to the dark obscurity of the junk room, and December's delectable and caloric goodies are kicked out of the cupboards, nowhere to be found. 

And that's the way it is: January, 2011.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let's Take It From the Top

Hopes begin to dawn
As 2010 says adieu
And a new year
Cautiously peeks around the corner
Promising nothing
But possibilities
Of what is yet to come.  
