I always see wonderful sights as I travel the well-worn path to Dillon Beach to meet up with friends for an overnight of laughter, wine, dogs, and good food. This journey was no exception.

The weather was spectacular and the grassy hills were a brilliant green as my little CRV, laden with bright-eyed pugs and sleeping bag, crossed over the county line from Sonoma into Marin. For the first time ever, I was surprised to see llamas grazing in the fields along with the usual sheep and cows. I am wondering if I missed them on past trips or they are new additions to the countryside. Whichever...they were a sight to see, long necks and all.
The mustard has pretty much gone to seed, though here and there I could spot a patch of yellow. In its place was one of my favorite wild flowers, Queen Anne's lace, regally swaying in the wind. I was tempted to pull over and pick a few lacy stems for a centerpiece for the dinner table but didn't, preferring to leave them in place for other weekend travelers to enjoy.

The final visual delight to behold was the red winged blackbirds, often spotted out in open spaces but foreigners to the city. That splash of brilliant color on their wings, so vividly in contrast to their blackness, has always caught my eye. Marvelous.
What a breath taking ride, almost like an escape into a different world.