Sunday, March 24, 2013

Just Wondering...

Is it in the DNA?

Chris and John, two of my three grandsons

My Brother and I pose for the camera. He has been doing this to me ever since we were children.

Hmmmm. Could be.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Awaiting Spring

Theme Thursday - Greenery

Every year it is the same for me: I look forward to spring with all its newness, a time when my garden begins again putting to rest the winter's gloom, ready to surprise me with brilliant green buds that will soon blossom into jolly splashes of vibrant color. These new, baby hydrangea leaves caught my eye a few days ago, and I look forward to the months  ahead when this same shrub will be filled with pink snowball-like blooms; but, for now, I am enjoying the first signs of renewal and the promise of what is to be.

Thanks, Mother Nature.

See what else is happening at Theme Thursday.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Home For Rent

The search is on! The neighborhood birds are flocking to my bird houses, going in and out of the entry holes, and discussing the situation with each other. I am not sure quite what they are looking for; some years I make the cut, and other years I don't.

I am hopeful that at least one of my houses will be selected so that I have the fun of watching the nest building and all the activities that follow. Here's hoping...