Sunday, July 15, 2012

Shaping Up is Hard To Do

I'm finally biting the bullet and doing some long over-due, serious remodeling in the family room, dining area and kitchen. Enough is enough. My home needs some updating in a big way. This Tiffany style lamp, hanging low over the table, is biting the dust and will be replaced by a semi flush fixture, also stained glass. Smaller will be nice.

One of the biggest eyesores is this awful pile of bricks in the entry way. I've hated it for the entire time I have lived in this house: 33 years. Bye bye!

But the biggest change by far will be the end of my ugly popcorn ceiling that says 60s, not in a good way. The equally unattractive lamp will be replaced by can lighting, modern and powerful. Suddenly being able to really SEE in my kitchen is going to be a shock to my system.

The icing on the cake will be a brand new paint job, getting rid of the wallpaper border that no longer appeals to me.  I am dreading the mess and upset to my routine and my pets but am looking forward to the change.

 Step one begins today: clearing the area involved, not an easy task for this collector. Then I just need to get through the week. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.


  1. Oh how very exciting! I loved your floor project before! Now that the pets have recovered, it's time to move on! lol. My whole kitchen needs to be gutted. When we get Taylor done with college and married off, that's my biggest project I want to do!

    Make sure you let us see all the stages..that stuff is so fun to me!

    1. Hey Betsy! It's funny how things snowball. It all began with the floors. :-)

  2. Good for you. It'll be uncomfortable,but you'll be so glad you did it when it's done. I'm looking forward to watching your progress.

  3. It sounds like a good plan. I know what you mean about putting up with the renovation. I don't function well in messing changes, but they are always worth it when done. Keep us posted...

  4. oh I like that Tiffany style lamp- where is it going? Are you going to sell it-or does it already have a new home?

    1. Hi Kathe! It's looking for a new home and may be donated to a favorite charity.


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