Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Shaping Up is Hard To Do, Continued

Whew! I did it...survived the remodel, that is.  I knew I could, I knew I could, I knew I could. But it wasn't easy. However, looking at the final product, I can honestly say that it was completely worth it.

What a mess!
The Lady Pugs and I retreated to the deck to wait until the removal of the popcorn ceiling and take-down of the cement brick room divider, both unattractive features of my home, was over. The next step, the painting, wasn't as noisy but proved to be just as messy.

When all was said and done, I couldn't believe how much brighter and bigger everything looked.

 In fact, I can't stop being amazed by the difference the work has made in the feel of my home. The dark has gone away!

I love the entire job, down to the littlest detail. The can lights, burning so brightly in the kitchen, will make cooking a different experience; and I love that they have a dimmer so that I can have soft lighting in the evening after dinner is over. My favorite detail, however, is my splendid Tiffany lamp over the dining table. Fabulous!

That's all the good news. The bad news is that I still have some of that pesky popcorn left in the foyer, the living room, the hall, and the back bedroom: more work to do. So, the next phase commences on August 20 which gives me a little time to enjoy the work that has been done until I am, once again, engulfed in another remodeling tornado.

I'm getting to be an old hand at this.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Shaping Up is Hard To Do

I'm finally biting the bullet and doing some long over-due, serious remodeling in the family room, dining area and kitchen. Enough is enough. My home needs some updating in a big way. This Tiffany style lamp, hanging low over the table, is biting the dust and will be replaced by a semi flush fixture, also stained glass. Smaller will be nice.

One of the biggest eyesores is this awful pile of bricks in the entry way. I've hated it for the entire time I have lived in this house: 33 years. Bye bye!

But the biggest change by far will be the end of my ugly popcorn ceiling that says 60s, not in a good way. The equally unattractive lamp will be replaced by can lighting, modern and powerful. Suddenly being able to really SEE in my kitchen is going to be a shock to my system.

The icing on the cake will be a brand new paint job, getting rid of the wallpaper border that no longer appeals to me.  I am dreading the mess and upset to my routine and my pets but am looking forward to the change.

 Step one begins today: clearing the area involved, not an easy task for this collector. Then I just need to get through the week. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Little Goodbyes

Big goodbyes are those
That rip my heart apart
So bold in their attack
That they cannot be ignored
No matter how hard I try.

But life is also full
Of little goodbyes
That are hardly noticed,
like a door gently closing.
So quiet are they
That I find myself wondering
When did that happen
And why was I too busy to notice?
