Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer Antique Fair

There were so many tempting treats in Healdsburg this weekend, and I walked away empty handed. What? That is not like me!

Fun. Colorful. But no.

Yes on this cutie! But where would I put him?

Wonderful old pieces.


I almost had my wallet out.

Alas, the only item I saw that I really wanted was a small spice tin....for $35. Ouch. I don't think so. Oh, and there was the amethyst ring for $965. Right. Luckily, I don't go to antique fairs to buy; I go to look, and there was a lot to see.

The sole expense of the day was the spicy chicken hot dog, with crispy fries, that I happily devoured for lunch...the best deal I could find.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Those Dog Days

Tired Sunflower
The so-called dog days of summer are upon us. Sultry weather is usually a symptom of these August days, but that is certainly not the case this year.

Ripening Pears
Comfortable and mild temperatures prevail, though the signs of a fading summer are clearly evident.

The Last of the Summer Greens
 I love the seasonal changes.  I am not eager to say farewell to summer though I know full well that soon there will be pumpkins lazing on the front porch in all their orange glory. When that happens, I'll be ready.

Just not yet.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Monday in the Park with Peter

 Lugging all our painting paraphernalia, we found a lovely spot in Sebastopol's Ragle Ranch Park for yet another attempt at creating a pleasing artistic offering. The morning sun cast its warming rays on the area causing interesting shadows to compliment the majestic oaks, the subjects of our work.

So peaceful.