Tuesday, March 21, 2017

But Not This Year

My favorite time of year is again upon us. 
A time of renewal and new beginnings,
But not this year. 

All is different
Because hope is now riding in the back seat.
The new driver is Fear
Assisted by Lies, Corruption, and Arrogance.

It is dark, indeed, even as the dawn comes.
The once bright world has taken on a different hue
Since Evil and his cronies
Started lurking the West Wing of the White House, saying "You're fired!" 
To Truth and Compassion.

Will Spring return in all its glory
Once this growing black cloud, filled with Hate and Greed,
Is conquered by Truth, Liberty, and Justice?

A crisis, terrifying to watch, is approaching.
I can feel it, and it frightens me...
So, this different, unfamiliar spring, the likes of which I have never known,
Is making its move into reality.

A time of renewal and new beginnings,
But not this year.