Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tapas, Anyone?

Preparing for my tapas party, I consulted a tapas cookbook and discovered that tapas can really be just about anything! How nice to discover there was so much variety. I decided on a first course of spicy gazpacho, and it turned out to be pleasing to the eye as well as the palate. Way too much chopping, however.

Deviled eggs...yes...they're tapas. Who knew! The green olive gives these a bit of an edge, I think.

Grilled shrimp with a spicy tomato sauce. Divine!

This dish was the hit of the party. It has a fancy Spanish name but is basically a potato omelet. Gone in a flash, and I had been hoping for left-overs.
The table looked lovely, if I do say so myself. I love, love, love these plates from Il Fornaio. I know...Italian, not Spanish, but the look worked for me.
A good time...with good friends to make it even better.