Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Cousin Reunion

The day began with an early lunch, gazpacho, which turned out to be a very tasty treat.  Jane had packed lunch for the boys, I had potato chips for them, so everyone was happy as we had our meal before heading out to the parks.


The first stop was Brush Creek Park where all three grandsons found plenty to do: swings, slides, and all sorts of wonderful gadgets on which to climb.

Jane and Nika

The highlight of the day, however, was the arrival of the Bowen Family. Our park meetings used to happen regularly, but busy schedules have made visits a bit of a challenge.

Taylin, John, Kate, Rylee, Alex and Chris
 What a wonderful day it was!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tea for Ten

Putting on my best Martha Stewart facade, I found myself wondering why I had volunteered to host a tea when I had never before done anything of the sort. Birthday parties, yes. Cocktail parties, yes. Dinner parties, yes.  Luncheons, yes. A tea?


All I was responsible for was the coffee, tea, lemon water, and fruit; another guest was to provide the pastries. As I gathered up my tea pots, I knew I'd be able to pull it off...not that big a deal, really.  The most difficult part of the job was cleaning the house, getting rid of all the animal fur and dust curls that tend to lurk in the corners of my home. My vacuum and I became best friends in the process.

I picked flowers from the yard and set a pretty table using my Staffordshire Calico Brown, though the cups and saucers, basically unused, needed a major bath to regain their sparkle.

I'm happy to report that the event came off without a hitch.

Mission accomplished!