Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

Another Mother's Day has come and gone, and I miss my wonderful mom every day. Since she died when she was only 52, we lost many years together; but I am grateful for the years we did have. And all the wonderful memories.

Though a bit reflective, I always manage to have a nice Mother's Day as I am celebrated by my own wonderful daughter. This year was no exception. A fabulous herb kit
 from Smith and Hawken arrived in Thursday's mail. The perfect gift for a gardener! I eagerly filled the pots with soil and sowed the seeds. Then under the grow light the pots went to begin their journey to full-grown plants.

On the day itself, I received a phone call, the next best thing to being together. In fact, as we jumped from topic to topic, it was just like we were right across the table from one another enjoying a tasty brunch.

Lucky me.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Bounce House Cometh

Chris hams it up!

Birthday celebrations are always exciting, and this one for Alex was no exception. Perhaps the most exciting part of this particular party was the magnificent bounce house plunked in the center of the backyard. The day was filled with somersaults, cartwheels, and back flips - all so very fun to watch.

  The colorful cake added a tasty touch to all the merriment. I love that indivdual cupcakes make up this cake, and who doesn't love a Thomas cake?

Alex enjoys his new pool.

There were plenty of gifts, a favorite being this blow-up pool, perfect for the boy who loves to play in water. From the look on his face, it is easy to see that this Birthday Boy is having a wonderful day.

So glad I was there for the fun.