Monday, April 22, 2013

Take It Aweigh I go again.

The bathroom scale has become my best friend,  better than being my worst enemy...I guess. Yes. We are working together, the scale and I, to erase the holiday weight that just adores me and does not want to leave. I mean, come on: it is almost May, and I still have that Christmas fudge and tasty eggnog hanging about on my hips. And elsewhere.

So, I am exercising more regularly, and my walking shoes are no longer pining away in the back corner of my closet.

I have even taken the radical step of asking for help. Hello, Weight Watchers.

Well, really, I need all the help I can get. I still am that skinny kid who had to drink milkshakes in order to retain weight and who was teased with the name "Broomstick" when  in 6th grade. However, my body has betrayed me and decided to reverse the pre-teen trend, gradually at first, but then with a vengeance once middle age visited. It is what it is.

Funny how things change.