Saturday, September 29, 2012

Birthday Bonanza

Scooter Inspects My Gifts

Yes, another birthday has come and gone. The celebration lasted 2 weeks, and I enjoyed all the food, gifts, and fun company. I am feeling very spoiled and very blessed. Lucky me.
With Bill and Sue at La Gare

The festivities began with  cocktails, followed by a superb dinner and champagne.  A giant piece of carrot cake completed the meal.


A couple of days later, the party was an outing with Jane and the boys.
After a stop at the Jelly Belly Store, we enjoyed a picnic in the park. The weather was perfect: not too hot, not too cold.

With Baird at Sea Thai Bistro

Her surprise visit from Washington was my good fortune...lunch at one of my favorite restaurants and shopping. I redeemed my gift certificate from Bill and Sue at Urban Gardens, a wonderful store full of treasures. I had no problem treating myself to a fun gift, and I even had a little $$$ left over for future spending.

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

At the final birthday gathering, I was feted with more  wonderful  presents, a delicious meal, and this scrumptious dessert.  I am a fan of butter cream frosting, but this cake, with its crusty sides and bottom,  topped that by a wide margin. Big yum!

So another birthday bites the dust and I look forward to the next one, a biggie with a zero in the one's column. Ouch.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Seeing Red

Haiku Friday

Green morphing to red
as Mother Nature's paintbrush
puts on quite a show.


See what else is happening at Haiku Friday.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Go, Bears!

Haiku Friday

Always so hopeful
As football season begins,
Rooting for my Bears.

See what else is happening at Haiku Friday.