Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Perfect Picnic

Chris, Excited About Lunch

I suppose the day could have been a little bit warmer, but my picnic in Sonoma Plaza with Jane, John, Chris and Alex was perfect in my book: plenty to eat and lots of fun equipment to play on and enjoy.

Jane With John and Alex
In the Mission's Church
Before lunch, however, we put on our sightseer hats and joined the rest of the tourists to check out the Sonoma mission, San Francisco de Solano. John, having just completed 4th grade which includes the study of California's missions, requested a visit and seemed to enjoy himself. Chris busied himself with picture taking using, as a special treat, his mom's camera.

The price of admission included General Vallejo's home, so we continued playing our traveler roles and toured there, too.

I loved this old fountain gaily spashing water in the back of the old home.

After all of these activities, we headed to Santa Rosa where we visited another park with even more wonderful play equipment and super soft sand, perfect for rolling in and going barefoot. The boys' energy seemed to have no end!

Our final stop was my house, where quieter activities and pizza were on the agenda.

Yes, perfect.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Gardener's Lament

Theme Thursday ~ All Good Things...

seeking out
the summer's warmth
to parade their lovely, new-found beauty
for all of us to treasure and enjoy
until fall comes
ending this


See what else is happening at Theme Thursday.